Wherever you go, a key or two will always be necessary. Whether it is the keys to your home or car, you can never have too many. And speaking of home and car, it is a safe bet that a spare key is in your drawers or somewhere safe. After all, no one can tell when you will need them. Unfortunately, many overlook this simple step of key duplication. Making extra keys may not seem necessary, but it is smart and advantageous. This blog post will discuss why having more than one key can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.

Why it Makes Sense to Invest in Key Duplication

Avoid Costly Lockouts

Do not get caught when you lock yourself out of your home or car. Have a spare key for emergencies and save yourself time and money. You can store them with someone you trust or in a secure container. During a lockout, a duplicate copy is a lifesaver, as you can enter again without hiring a locksmith.

A locksmith handing a homeowner a spare key

Save Time and Convenience

Key duplication can offer convenience and save you time. Instead of waiting for a locksmith, you can easily use a spare key to access your property quickly. A duplicate is handy when you need to get to a place quickly or come home after a long day, making your life simpler.

Emergency Access

In an emergency, duplicate keys can be very important because they let you enter locked areas or quickly access important supplies. For example, having duplicate keys on hand can speed up entry for rescue workers in situations like fires or medical emergencies, shortening response times and possibly saving lives.

Key Management

Duplicate keys can make it easier to keep track of keys. When there are a lot of keys, like in hotels, rental properties, or business buildings, keeping track of unique keys for each person or room can be hard and take a long time. Duplicate keys make it easier to give keys out, keep track of them, and change them.


Investing in key duplication is an economical way to avoid the cost of lockouts or lock changes. Such situations can be expensive, particularly outside regular business hours. By spending a fraction of the price upfront, you can save yourself from high costs in the future.

A locksmith doing key duplication

Peace of Mind

Finally, with spare keys, you can rest easy. A duplicate key assures you that you will be ready for anything. That includes home, office, and vehicle lockouts or other emergencies, so you do not have to worry about being caught off guard. Having extra copies with easy access provides peace of mind.

Ultimately, it is a smart step to get extra keys made. You might save yourself from being locked out, get to places faster, feel safer, have help in an emergency, or just relax knowing you are prepared. So do not forget about getting new keys—it is worth it.

Key Copy Near Me

If you are in the DC area and need a new set of keys, we are here to do it. Whether for your home, office, or car, let MacArthur Locks & Doors help you take the hassle out of key duplication. Our expert technicians are skilled at everything locks and doors. We offer affordable residential locksmith services for your home and proven and tested commercial locksmith solutions for your business space. Our locksmiths can copy keys, do a lock rekey, extract a broken key, and repair the most up-to-date locking mechanism. We only use premium products to ensure your valuables are safe and secure. Do not wait. Call us and get your keys duplicated today with MacArthur Locks & Doors!

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